The Many Benefits Of Deer Antler Spray To Your Health

Deer antler spray has been used in Asian countries for hundreds of years for the treatment of the joint pain that comes from osteoarthritis, and a host of other medical conditions as well. Other uses of deer antlers spray would include treatment of asthma, stomach ulcers, migraine headaches, mood alteration, muscle growth, lower cholesterol, and even high blood pressure, although it’s called dear hairspray it’s harvested from the antlers of elk which is of the deer family. Deer antler spray is typically made from the velvet that covers the bone that the antlers are made from as they are grown each season. It comes in a powdered form or spray depending on the application. Let’s take a look at some of the most positive treatments that this nutrient can produce.

One of the most common applications of deer antler spray is in the treatment of osteoarthritis. This valuable nutrient contains natural chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine and glycosaminglycans, all of which are well known arthritis treatments in supplement form. However, when taken from deer antlers, all the ingredients are 100% natural from their original source, with the original micro nutrients as well. These natural ingredients work to repair cartilage, which is what protects your bones in your joint areas from friction by providing lubrication.

Another very common use of deer another spray is maintaining a healthy heart. Not only does this fantastic nutrient lower blood pressure and cholesterol, but it also helps to maintain the inner walls of your veins and arteries in a soft and supple condition, that helps lessen strokes and heart attacks as you age. By lowering your blood pressure it decreases the chances of kidney problems, strokes, and heart attacks without the use of artificial man-made chemicals.

Many athletes use deer antler spray in order to help them build muscle. Athletes report having fewer sore muscles after each workout when using this nutrient, and therefore have fewer days that they need to take off while their muscles heal. This faster recovery time helps bodybuilders and athletes build up more muscle in less time, safely, without the worry of muscle fatigue. It also can help reduce the reliance on energy drinks containing caffeine and sugar, that many athletes use the battle the post workout crash that one can experience immediately after their daily workouts.

The polysaccharides that are contained in antler supplements seems to be responsible for its excellent properties in combating stomach ulcers. The specific nutrient is called rantarin, and is used even in hospitals before surgery in the upper gastrointestinal area. All these great properties have been experienced with no side effects being reported from millions of uses over centuries of time. It is however, recommended that antler supplements not be used in conjunction with morphine, as the two tend to not be compatible and interfere with each other during treatments. Studies on animals are being done presently to verify this particular drug interaction.

So, if feeling better while working out, improving your heart health, having less problems with joint pain, lowering your cholesterol and many other great benefits are of interest to you, you should check out antler spray online to see for yourself the improvements it can make to your health.

Is Organic Infant Formula Best For Your Baby?

Because of all of the harsh chemicals and toxins present today in just about every facet of daily living, it is easy to see why so many parents are turning to organic alternatives for their children. There are lots of great organic options today, including everything from clothing to food, bath products and formula. However, how do you know that you are getting the absolute best when it comes to organic infant formula for your precious little bundle?

It goes without saying that breast milk is always best for a baby to grow on. However, that is not always a feasible option for all new mothers. Sometimes, a mother will not have a sufficient amount of milk that comes in or they might not be able to pump enough while they are out of the home to keep a decent supply. This is why a number of parents turn to the help of organic infant formula to either supplement or replace breast milk for feedings.

When it comes in organic formula, it is processed in a way that allows for all of the nutritional value to stay intact, which means it is not pasteurized or over processed. You also have the option of either milk based or soy based products so that you can make a decision depending on any possible food allergies that your infant has.

Contrary to popular belief, organic infant formula is not always a costlier option than regular formulas. While some organic products can carry a heftier price tag than others in each category, formula is often priced quite competitively. Before making a purchase, you can research all of the options that are available to you and make a decision based on what you find.

As you look for an organic infant formula, you might want to talk with your child’s pediatrician to find out if he or she has any recommendations to give you. Most pediatricians will even have samples at their office to give new parents who are trying to make an informed decision on the type of formula to supplement their own supply of breast milk or to use for all feedings.

Once you have a brand in mind, you can then make a purchase while knowing that you have done all of the research necessary to find the absolute best organic infant formula for your baby. After all, having nothing but the best for your precious new child is the only way to go.

Eat More Antioxidants, Experience High Health

When learning about healthy eating, the topic of antioxidants inevitably shows up. What exactly are antioxidants, and why are they good for you?

Antioxidants are basically nutrients and enzymes that may protect your body’s cells from diseases. They do this by blocking the effects of free radicals, which are unstable molecules looking to bond with healthy molecules in the body. When the free radicals are allowed to make these connections, the healthy molecules are damaged and health is compromised. Antioxidants can prevent those bonds from happening, keeping your body’s healthy tissues free from harm.

Research has found antioxidants may be helpful in defending against:

  • Colds, flues and infections
  • Cognitive decline
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Heart disease
  • Effects of aging
  • Development of cancer
  • Effects of radiation

Antioxidants are found in fresh whole foods, especially those high in beta carotene, lutein, lycopene, selenium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E. Fruits and vegetables are especially excellent sources of antioxidants. Some examples of these foods include:

  • Orange, red and yellow fruits and vegetables such as apricots, pumpkin, tomatoes, sweet potato and carrots
  • Purple foods such as prunes, raisins, red grapes, eggplant and plums
  • All berries
  • Greens such as kale, collard greens, mustard greens, chard, broccoli and Brussels sprouts

In addition, superfruits such as acai, goji, and mangosteen have exceptional antioxidant qualities. Think of them as little bundles of extremely concentrated antioxidants. These superfruits are native to South and Central America, China, and the Pacifics, and because of their delicacy it is difficult to transport them safely across long distances. Luckily, products made from these superfruits, such as monavie, are available. The juice supplement monavie is a blend of 19 healthy fruits and AcaVie, the highest concentration of acai available.

Antioxidants are believed to be one of the best defenders against the damage caused by free radicals. There are a variety of sources of antioxidants, including fresh fruits, vegetables and superfruits. A diet rich in these foods can keep you healthy and energetic for many years to come.

Are Organic Foods More Nutritious?

Organic foods are becoming more popular.  As people begin to evaluate their diet, and become concerned about what actually enters their digestive system, they are looking towards organic foods.  It is a controversial subject, as there are many people who believe that organic foods are healthier than traditional food, but there are equally as many who disagree.

The animals that produce organic meat are free from the usual chemicals that are used in meat farming.  The chemicals are there to stop the animals from getting ill when they are being raised, and encourage the animals to build muscle when they have little room to move around.  The animals that are more free range do not have these chemicals pumped into them.  Many people believe that these chemicals are harmful, and even medical professionals believe that these chemicals have caused a rise in diseases such as cancer.

Organically grown vegetables have about 40% more antioxidants than their traditionally grown alternatives.  It has been suggests that antioxidants can actually prevent people from developing health problems.  A 5 a day scheme that has been launched in the UK has made an active effort to ensure that the next generation does not have the health problems of those seen in recent generations.  Some researchers claim that with the increase in chemicals and the development of more industrialized farming, the medical world has witnessed a steep rise in the numbers of people who develop heart disease and cancers.  By encouraging children and young people to eat 5 portions of healthy fruit and vegetables a day and increase their antioxidants in the process, many believe that this will help reduce the number of cases of these terrible illnesses.  There are other healthy properties of such foods as organic garlic and organic olive oil that have been used to help with skin complaints, and even to prevent cancer.

Health Benefits of Organic Eggs

Eggs are a popular ingredient to cook with.  They can be eaten on their own in many different styles of cooking, and they can be used as an ingredient in many dishes, both savory and sweet.  With so much versatility, is there any special reason why we should eat organic eggs?

Eggs are an excellent source of protein.  We are all aware of the importance of having the ideal levels of protein in our system.  It is a great addition to anyone’s diet and it is recommended that eggs should be consumed frequently.  Organic eggs come in many different shapes and sizes.   They often have a richer yolk because the chickens that they come from have plenty of space to run around, and they feed from good quality grain.  Non-organic eggs tend to be far more uniform in shape.  They are usually all the same color as each other, and the yolks are pale yellow, rather than the rich deep yellow that organic eggs are.

There are more nutrients in organic eggs.  They have more vitamins, are far higher in essential omega 3 fatty acids and by eating organic eggs, it is predicted that you will be consuming about double the nutritional value of a commercially farmed egg.

Some people believe that because eggs are so high in protein, that they cause high cholesterol levels.  This is true to an extent, however, organic eggs contain less fat than commercial eggs, as the hens are allowed to roam around and be healthier, and this results in lower cholesterol for the consumer.

The chickens that are raised commercially are not only kept in smaller spaces to encourage them to gain weight more quickly, but they are also fed substandard grain.  The organic hens are fed an organic feed, but the grain that has been grown for the commercial hens has been treated with the usual toxic chemicals.  This means that organic eggs also contain fewer toxins than commercial eggs.