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Why We Should Resort To Organic Food

To understand organic foods and what they can do for you, it is a good idea that you learn more about the way in which organic farming is done. Basically speaking, these farming methods are done without the use of chemicals, pesticides or any other additives. These are foods that are grown within the guidelines in your country with little or no processing to ensure that consumers are getting a truly organic and natural product as a result. The more you look into going organic, the more you will see that there are plenty of benefits that come along with it.

Organic fruits and vegetables have a much higher level of antioxidants and beneficial minerals including both iron and zinc. If you are drinking organic juices, you are going to find that they are filled with many more nutrients than their more conventional counterparts on the market. Because the fruits and veggies are grown in soil that is rich in minerals and only with natural fertilizers, you are able enjoy organic foods that are only going to give you the good stuff.

If you happen to be someone who enjoys eating eggs, dairy products and meats, you want to be able to look for only organic options. Take the time to find items that come from animals who have been pastured and only given natural feed that is free from any sort of processing. You will find that the result can be a higher level of the good fats that your body needs and much lower levels of the bad fats that you should already be staying away from. As a matter of fact, many of the organic products that come from naturally farm raised animals will have no hormones, no antibiotics and the results are foods that are higher in vitamins and minerals.

When you are thinking of switching over to natural or organic products, you may find yourself wondering if you will be able to find everything that you need. What you should know is that there are plenty of organic items outside of fresh produce that you can get that are great to add to your daily routine. These items will include, but are not limited to, cleaning products, condiments, sanitary napkins, supplements and vitamins, baking mixes, soups, baby food, clothing, skin care items, pet foods and even makeup. The more you look, the more you will see that you can truly go organic and never miss using anything synthetic ever again.

While it may be hard to live a completely organic lifestyle, there is no reason why you cannot add a little bit to your routine each and every day. The more organic foods you eat, you will start to notice that you will have more energy and your health may improve overall. Not only that, but you will feel as though you are doing your part for a much better environment that is free from chemicals and mass produced foods that are not good for our bodies.

Why Is Eating Organic Food Important?

Most consumers really do not understand why organic food is important, and many of them really do not even knows what an organic label implies. All that most shoppers know is that organic food costs more in the grocery store, and they may pass it up because they hope to stretch their grocery budgets. Since food prices have been rising lately, this is easy to understand. However, eating organic food may be important for your health.

What Is Organic Food?

Of course, all food is really organic. That means that it comes from living things, and that is exactly what our meat, dairy products, produce, and grain come from. However, an organic label means something else.

This label implies that the food has been grown or raised with organic farming practices. That means that food has been either fed or fertilized with organic materials too. No harsh chemicals, artificial hormones, or antibiotics have been used to either keep away pests or make livestock grow faster and avoid diseases.

Is Organic Food Healthier?

Nobody debates that the price of organic food is higher. However, a debate rages about the health benefits of organic vs. non-organic food.

According to an article in Psychology Today, eating organic food may substantially lower the risk of many types of cancer. For example, hormones given to livestock may not increase their risk of cancer because they do not live long enough to develop it. An average chicken raised for meat only lives a few months.

However, you probably expect to keep your body for many decades. An analysis of the research strongly suggests that an organic diet will reduce exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria as well as artificial hormones.

Most people would rather not ingest excess chemicals that are designed to kill insects. They also don’t want to consume extra antibiotics or hormones in their food. A lot of people would probably tell you that is simply common sense, but they still won’t buy organic food.

Critics say that there is absolutely no evidence that organic food has significantly more nutritional value than non-organic food. However, that argument misses the point. The argument should not be about what organic meat, poultry, or grains contain, but it should be about what they do not contain. They do not contain chemical pesticides, artificial hormones, and additional antibiotics.

Some organic food advocates say that organic food is also healthier, and they would like the conservative scientists to explain what they mean by “significantly.” Analysis has demonstrated that organic food has an average of a 12 percent higher level of nutrients than non-organically grown or raised food. Spread over multiple servings a day, this might be significant.

Additionally, organic produce has higher levels of natural antioxidants. These nutrients help human cells protect themselves from cancer and problems of aging.

Is Organic Food Better?

There is no doubt that organic food costs more. Advocates of chemicals, hormones, and multiple antibiotics say that their practices help keep food prices lower. However, advocates of organic farming insist that non-organic food is not really cheaper if it risks consumer’s health.

Are Organic Foods Really Superior?

Some people think the benefits of organic food are debatable, while others swear by their wholesome goodness. So what’s being served at your house tonight? Are you enjoying the advantages of organic food, or are you still debating the issues?

Higher Standards In Quality

In 1990 The Organic Food Production Act was adopted, and it means that any item given the “Organic” label must meet certain standards of quality and production. The highest grade of organic guarantees that nothing poisonous was used in growing or processing the food. While there are measures in place for non-organic foods, they are fairly murky and more open to the personal interpretation of the manufacturer or grower.

Cleaner Groundwater

When food is grown according to the organic standard, there aren’t all the chemicals being washed over produce that can end up contaminating ground water and other sources. Also, organic soil can actually act as a better filter for the water that flows through it, picking up more carbon than regular dirt that has been exposed to a variety of harmful chemicals.

Increased Choices At The Supermarket And Beyond

With the advent of organics, consumers now have a lot more choices available to them, from tomatoes to cotton sheets. Companies have caught on to the demands, and are now making many things in a much better way. These days, people don’t have to buy fish caught by a boat with no standards of health or decency. They can look for an organic label and be assured that improved methods and higher quality prevailed.

Being Kind To Animals

The organic philosophy insists that wildlife be respectfully treated and always taken into consideration, even when farms are expanding. This regard for nature protects the environment and the produce, leaving both your digestive tract and conscience free from a lot of unnecessary debris.

Fewer Modified Genes

While scientists on each side of the GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) debate continue to squabble over how much or how little the process of altering genes can impact the end user (you), these products continue to flood the market. Much of the time, people don’t even realize what they are buying unless they know what little numbers represent on the packaging. Organic foods are never modified at the nucleic level, simply because it just isn’t natural.

Organic food is unquestionably a superior and higher performing product for consumers, as well as better for the environment. If the featured dish on your dining table tonight isn’t organic, then exactly what is it?

Is Organic Food The Right Choice?

There is a lot of attention being given to organic food. Some people try to only eat organic and others think it is basically hogwash. It’s sort of black and white choice for many.

Organic food has only become so popular because much of our food nowadays contains GMO — genetically modified ingredients as well as unhealthy pesticides. Added to that the ground, having been treated with all sorts of chemical fertilizers over the years and is often totally leached of nutrients.

To grow anything organic, the soil needs to be free of chemicals for seven years and obviously no artificial fertilizers can be used to grow organic produce. This means that nothing toxic can enter your body if you grow or buy organic foods.

While we can think of great tasting organic tomatoes, zucchini, carrots and potatoes, it is also prudent to choose organic grains. Grains are widely produced in huge fields. Over the years the area has got larger and the machinery used to plant and harvest accommodate these gigantic fields. Because we choose to grow one crop over a large area, we need to use chemical fertilizers freely because the crops lack any variety of other plants that could work in harmony to prevent much of the disease this mono-culture is subject to. This means that wheat for example is now genetically modified and still grows in nutrient-arm soil with the aid of chemicals. Books like Wheat Belly paint a grim picture of what our association with this important crop has come to. Why do we continue to think that consuming products doused in chemicals will not affect our health?

It is no wonder, in our present culture of fast and processed food which uses many chemicals (including an overabundance of sugar, that many people have simply had enough of this lifestyle. They want to go back to how it was in their grandparents’ era where food was individually produced and chemicals and toxins weren’t in the picture. Already we are being told that the present generation of children will be the first no to outlive their parents’ generation. These children have grown up with fast foods, microwaves and often never even realize that the milk or hamburgers they consume come from a cow.

We are rapidly becoming an artificial culture, wearing clothes that are sprayed with chemicals, using skin care and make up made from petroleum products, and eating food that has no long got anything much to do with nature.

Every parent wants only the best for their children. They should start with organic food.

The Right Organic Gardening Stores Are a Must for a Garden That You Can Be Proud Of

It is a very good idea to grow your own vegetables, and if you do so using the organic route, you will be growing food that is very healthy. If you have the right organic food stores you can have complete control over the process, plus the satisfaction of doing it yourself. Make the right preparations by getting in the right stores, and get started on your own organic garden. These gardens can even be indoors if you do not have your own garden space.

Requirements for an Organic Garden

To start out with organic gardening, you need to know what constitutes organic gardening stores needed for the process. They are:

  • Proper containers and growing medium
  • Seeds and seedlings
  • Compost
  • Soil conditioners
  • Pest control
  • The right tools

You need to have the right containers for planting, and these can easily be obtained even online or from the local gardening materials supplier. You need to look at soil that is suited to organic farming, essentially one that is absolutely free of chemicals. If you have your own garden plot, you may need to replace the soil, as most garden plots have some chemicals in them, from earlier efforts at growing plants.

Seeds and seedlings are best obtained from nurseries and other agencies. Look for reliable sources. You may also need to get in some domes for seedling protection and other things that you will learn to have, once you start your garden.

Growing your own compost is best for organic gardening and the supplier of your organic gardening stores will have compost crocks and other tumblers that will help to turn your food and kitchen waste into very good compost. Initially this may take some time to get the first batch of compost, and during this time ask your garden supplier to help you out with the right compost.

Soil conditioners include some bio-stimulants that will help both the soil and plant growth. Get the right advice before you use them.

You need organic repellents to keep away the pests. Other pesticides and herbicides that are available off the shelf in most stores, must be scrupulously avoided. Look at natural methods to control pests. This will ensure that your garden is truly organic.

Gardening tools are a must, and the conventional ones are shovels, hoes, plant supports and hoses or watering cans. Gloves can be a help, as can weed pullers and pruning shears.

Growing Indoors

Pests and diseases are less of a problem if you are growing your organic garden indoors. Birds are naturally kept out, but if an open window does attract them, put some reflective surfaces around your indoor garden, or some other devices that will create a noise, when there is wind.

Rodents can be a problem even within a home. Make sure that they do not find your plants tasty, and this can be ensured if you if you spray your plants with solutions of soap, cayenne pepper or garlic. You must be careful to wash of all traces of these sprays, when you harvest your vegetables for your own table.
Containers are better placed on stands, so that the area beneath your plants can be kept clean by the fastidious housewife. Some plants can even be grown in pots that are placed at two levels. This can save space in small apartments while still giving you a number of plants that can grow your veggies. Plants do need to get the effect of whatever sun comes into your home. It can help greatly if you place your plants on platforms or stands that have wheels, so that the task of shifting them to take advantage of the sun, can be an easy one.

Get in the right organic gardening stores and soon you will find that the garden you grow will be one that you point out to others with pride. It can also get you used to eating healthy food, and once you get used to it, you may extend the same principle to all your dietary matters.