Is Organic Infant Formula Best For Your Baby?

Because of all of the harsh chemicals and toxins present today in just about every facet of daily living, it is easy to see why so many parents are turning to organic alternatives for their children. There are lots of great organic options today, including everything from clothing to food, bath products and formula. However, how do you know that you are getting the absolute best when it comes to organic infant formula for your precious little bundle?

It goes without saying that breast milk is always best for a baby to grow on. However, that is not always a feasible option for all new mothers. Sometimes, a mother will not have a sufficient amount of milk that comes in or they might not be able to pump enough while they are out of the home to keep a decent supply. This is why a number of parents turn to the help of organic infant formula to either supplement or replace breast milk for feedings.

When it comes in organic formula, it is processed in a way that allows for all of the nutritional value to stay intact, which means it is not pasteurized or over processed. You also have the option of either milk based or soy based products so that you can make a decision depending on any possible food allergies that your infant has.

Contrary to popular belief, organic infant formula is not always a costlier option than regular formulas. While some organic products can carry a heftier price tag than others in each category, formula is often priced quite competitively. Before making a purchase, you can research all of the options that are available to you and make a decision based on what you find.

As you look for an organic infant formula, you might want to talk with your child’s pediatrician to find out if he or she has any recommendations to give you. Most pediatricians will even have samples at their office to give new parents who are trying to make an informed decision on the type of formula to supplement their own supply of breast milk or to use for all feedings.

Once you have a brand in mind, you can then make a purchase while knowing that you have done all of the research necessary to find the absolute best organic infant formula for your baby. After all, having nothing but the best for your precious new child is the only way to go.

The Need For Organic Food Products

Organic food products are believed by many people to be healthier and better to be used in our everyday diets. The term “organic” has the connotation that food produced without chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other additives is safer and healthier. The organic farming process uses no artificial fertilizers or pesticides. Also the processing of the food does not utilize any industrial solvents, irradiation or any chemical food additives.

In order to be labeled organic the growing process must be an all-natural process. The production of organic food requires specific certification that says the food is produced in a way that lines up with organic standards as stated by a government authority.

Other definitions of organic food products would include items such as no antibiotics or added growth hormones in livestock, no engineered seeds (GMO), chemical pesticides, no chemical fertilizers, herbicides or fungicides and no synthetic preservatives.

If attempting to investigate the value of organic foods information will appear that states that the result is not clear as to whether or not organic foods are better for you than foods that are GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) with extra hormones, pesticides, chemicals you can’t pronounce, extra antibiotics and a host of other ingredients too numerous to mention. It doesn’t make much sense to eat food that if full of stuff like that especially food additives that have been proven to cause cancer in rats.

It is no secret that the nutrition that we get from processed food is extremely lacking in nutrition compared to similar food grown 25 to 30 years ago. We live in a society where over 65% of our population is chronically sick most of the time and on various medications that alleviate symptoms.

The use of pesticides and herbicides on our crops has not done our population any favors. The residue of these chemicals has not only affected the food supply but it is resident in about everything that grows. The chemical residue in our water supply is another frightening fact.

The great experiment of the GMO change in our food production has had very harmful effects. While the intent may have seemed noble, the results have been anything but that. The gene splicing and attempts to build a hardier wheat plant has resulted in a very hardy plant with only a fraction of the former nutritional value.

No wonder people are craving organic food products. To get food that is devoid of chemicals, hormones, pesticides and all that other stuff is a good choice. Beef and poultry production is so chemical and hormone laden that comparing production animals to organic animals is readily apparent that something is very different. The production animals are “bulked up” due to the hormones and the organic animals are normal size, which compared to the production animals, look puny.

But the “puny” animals are where the nutrition is and that is what we want to have. We want the organic food products. The same idea applies the crops. We want the crops that have the nutrition and not the other. So does everybody else.

Why I Love Organic Baby Clothing

Last year I was pregnant with my first baby, a girl, and I was very excited thinking about all the adorable dresses I could put her in. The thought of organic baby clothing never entered my mind until a friend of mine brought it up. The thought stuck, so I did some research because I was clueless on this particular topic. It turns out that organic baby clothing is a very smart choice, both for me and for the environment.

What I learned during my research is that organic clothing is farmed according to strict organic farming guidelines. This means no pesticides or herbicides are used on the cotton, silk, or wool, nor are any genetically modified seeds. Benefits of using organic clothing for my daughter include:

  • No pesticide residue that might remain on the material which can irritate skin or add chemicals to our landfills as the clothes and fabrics are discarded.
  • Neither farm workers nor animals are exposed to the harm caused by pesticides and herbicides.
  • Surface and ground waters used during the farming process are left clean and free of chemicals as they run off or soak into the ground.

At first I was worried that the fashion choices would be minimal at best when I started looking for clothing for my new daughter. It did not take long for my worry to be put to rest. It turns out there tons of adorable dresses and outfits made from organic cotton and other materials.

It has also been easy for me to find retailers who sell clothing made from organic fabrics. There are a few shops locally, but many more online that I regularly shop at.

I only want the best for my baby, and dressing her in organic clothing is the safest clothing option for her. Thanks to the variety, I have been able to find organic outfits for every occasion.

Using Organic Gardening Supplies For A Successful Activity

When you plan to get involved in organic gardening activity you must make use of supplies that are mandatory in this type of project right from the very first steps that you take. This garden will enable you benefit from toxin-free foods that are grown within a healthy environment.

The majority of the foods that exist on the market are produced from ingredients that have been cultivated on areas that contain plenty of chemicals introduced through chemical pesticides and fertilizers. All these have a bad impact on the overall health of human beings. It seems that the technologies that we are so proud of have come up with plenty of harmful stuff for the humanity. One such harm is reflected by the use of harmful toxins within the soil that foods are grown on all over the world’s crops.

It has been stated that the amount of chemical that one plant absorbs is indeed very small but you just need to see this not singularly but being multiplied with the long years of adding and adding the chemical pesticides. Over time we have ended up eating foods that are merely grown by chemicals rather than by the natural healthy soil. Getting educated on a proper organic gardening will help you find better and healthier way to lead your life and the life of your family.

The following supplies are a must-have for the organic gardener:

#1. Organic seeds. These are very important in the process of cultivating the plants/vegetables for your garden. You can obtain these seeds from USDA certified organic gardening nurseries. All the other seeds that have been conventionally obtained may be contaminated from the conventional plants that have been grown with chemical presence. In this way, the chemicals will persist within the seed and further contaminating the health of your soil.

#2. Organic compost. This element is another must have within the process of your organic gardening. It will enrich your soil with the right nutrients promoting good health for your plants’ roots allowing them to feed the plant and thus become strong and well developed.

#3. Natural pesticides and fertilizers. You will confront with a lot of challenges in this activity, and as such you need to be well prepared to face them. So, make sure that you educate yourself on the types of natural fertilizers and pesticides available on the market to help you keep the organic garden in a healthy state.

Eat More Antioxidants, Experience High Health

When learning about healthy eating, the topic of antioxidants inevitably shows up. What exactly are antioxidants, and why are they good for you?

Antioxidants are basically nutrients and enzymes that may protect your body’s cells from diseases. They do this by blocking the effects of free radicals, which are unstable molecules looking to bond with healthy molecules in the body. When the free radicals are allowed to make these connections, the healthy molecules are damaged and health is compromised. Antioxidants can prevent those bonds from happening, keeping your body’s healthy tissues free from harm.

Research has found antioxidants may be helpful in defending against:

  • Colds, flues and infections
  • Cognitive decline
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Heart disease
  • Effects of aging
  • Development of cancer
  • Effects of radiation

Antioxidants are found in fresh whole foods, especially those high in beta carotene, lutein, lycopene, selenium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E. Fruits and vegetables are especially excellent sources of antioxidants. Some examples of these foods include:

  • Orange, red and yellow fruits and vegetables such as apricots, pumpkin, tomatoes, sweet potato and carrots
  • Purple foods such as prunes, raisins, red grapes, eggplant and plums
  • All berries
  • Greens such as kale, collard greens, mustard greens, chard, broccoli and Brussels sprouts

In addition, superfruits such as acai, goji, and mangosteen have exceptional antioxidant qualities. Think of them as little bundles of extremely concentrated antioxidants. These superfruits are native to South and Central America, China, and the Pacifics, and because of their delicacy it is difficult to transport them safely across long distances. Luckily, products made from these superfruits, such as monavie, are available. The juice supplement monavie is a blend of 19 healthy fruits and AcaVie, the highest concentration of acai available.

Antioxidants are believed to be one of the best defenders against the damage caused by free radicals. There are a variety of sources of antioxidants, including fresh fruits, vegetables and superfruits. A diet rich in these foods can keep you healthy and energetic for many years to come.